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Your Guide to Traveling With Your Pet

Going on vacation and traveling is an exciting adventure. Whether you’re gone for a few days or a few months, it can be super fun to explore a new area and just make wonderful memories with your friends and family. Of course, there are some family members that you can’t forget about as you’re traveling: your pets! Your four-legged friends are an important part of your family, and when you’re traveling for an extended period of time, you’ll probably want to bring them along. Of course, since they can’t pack or prepare themselves for the trip, that will be down to you as well.

Traveling with a pet can be a fun addition to your vacation. You just need to plan around them, and be sure that you’re asking all the right questions. Prioritize the trip to their needs as well as your own. Oftentimes, it takes a little extra research before your trip to figure out what areas invite local furry friends. Here is a simple guide for traveling with your pet, so you feel comfortable, secure, and excited before you embark on your trip.

Find activities they can also enjoy.

Bringing your pet along for the ride usually means that you’ll have to make some changes in your itinerary. Work to find places they can enjoy as well as you, and especially avoid any hotels or excursions that don’t allow pets to come along. For example, staying at a fancy 5-star resort that isn’t pet friendly won’t be the best idea if you’re bringing your pup along.

Instead, can you visit a national park, go camping in a camper, or explore sunny Los Angeles with parks frequented by dog owners. Areas like Mammoth Cave National Park are ideal because you may be able to bring your dog on the cave tour or to just explore various trails and escapes. Of course, you may be traveling with an animal other than a pooch. For cats, consider a room with plenty of climbing areas and sunny spots. Overall, think of the best fit, not just for your needs or desires on vacation, but for your furry friend as well.

Bring their favorite toys, treats, and tools.

If your pet is going to be stuck in the car for a while or in a carrier on an airplane, it can help to offer them accessories and toys that will bring them comfort. Fill their crate with treats or toys that they can get aggression out or play with if their anxieties are high. Also, be ready to make plenty of stops, so your animals can get out and stretch their legs. Cats and dogs aren’t meant to stay in confined spaces for an extended period of time. Be ready with a leash and harness from, so you can take your puppy or kitty out for a walk at the visitor center or wherever you stop for a break. Find the perfect fit for your small dog or large dog, so they can feel comforted and loved even in their dog harness.

Be prepared for a health emergency.

When you go away for an extended trip, you bring healthcare information for your family and maybe even a small first aid kit. Do the same for your animals. Look up the local vet where you’re going, and bring pills and medication just in case your animal gets sick. This will help give you peace of mind that your furry friend will be totally looked after no matter where you’re going.

Stay comfortable and lightweight for you.

Depending on how high-maintenance your pet is, you may have a lot on your hands bringing them along. If you’re juggling kids, animals, and other travel arrangements, the last thing you want to be is stressed and uncomfortable. When you’re packing for yourself, bring comfortable, lightweight items that will allow you to hang out with your pets without worrying about ruining a fancy outfit. Check out tunics on sale for a cute look that’s also comfortable. Don’t give yourself a hard time deciding on what you want to wear. You’re on vacation, so you deserve to feel comfy and relaxed.

Are you flying or driving?

The rules of traveling with a pet drastically change depending on your method of travel. If you’re driving, you’re in control of your own car. You get to pack it however you want, make stops whenever you want, and you know your pet won’t be disturbing anyone else.

Flying with an animal is a different story entirely. Contact the airline ahead of time to make sure your furry friend will be welcomed onboard. Try and secure a carrier that keeps your animal isolated, so they don’t get too excited by constant flurries of activity. Consider speaking to a vet about medications your pet can take to keep them calm during the flight. A smooth trip is better for you, the people around you, and the airline itself.

What if you have a unique pet?

When you think of pets, your first thought is usually about cats and dogs, but what if you have a unique animal you are trying to travel to? There are going to be different restrictions and requirements for hamsters, birds, lizards, fish, etc. Some of these pets may be more difficult to travel with.

For example, reptiles usually need a tank that’s kept at a certain temperature. Look for heating pads or battery-operated lamps that can keep them warm even in the car or on the plane. Overall, you know your pet best. Consult an exotic animal vet, and do your research to be sure your unique pet gets the best care on an extended trip.

Ask questions, and do your research.

Every pet is different. Before you embark on a journey, make sure that you’re doing all your research on how to best care for your specific breed. Have a conversation with your vet, and they can tell you the perfect ways to keep your pet comfortable while you travel. Then, you can fully enjoy your time when you make it to your destination.

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