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3 Ways to Boost Employees’ Morale

3 Ways to Boost Employees’ Morale

Employers often focus on getting the staff and resources needed to perform the duties required for their company to thrive. One thing employers sometimes overlook is that employee morale can be an important asset for their company. When employees are happy they will encourage others they know to apply for openings. They will speak positively about their employer to family and friends. They will be invested in the company’s success because they love their job.

Conversely, poor morale can be a destructive force. Staff is more likely to leave if they are unhappy in the workplace. Departures have a ripple effect. Human resource staff must then hire replacements. New staff needs to be trained. The remaining staff may be concerned about the turnover and consider seeking other opportunities.

Boosting morale is something that can be done. In order to be effective, employers or managers will employ both long-term and short-term morale-boosting strategies to develop a positive atmosphere that enables staff to excel.

1. Celebrate Your Staff On Special Occasions

Recognizing the value of your staff team is an effective way of boosting morale. You may opt to host staff appreciation events and take advantage of a margarita machine rental so that your team can relax and have fun together. Prioritizing enjoyable activities your team can participate in together is a way of fostering open communication and building a sense of community among staff members. When staff get along and enjoy their working environment they will be more committed to their employer.

Other meaningful ways to recognize your staff include honoring their traditions and holidays. You may opt to turn to for a beautiful company Christmas tree and have a tree decorating party. It’s a great idea to ask employees of other faiths to talk about Hanukkah and Eid and decorate their workspace appropriately. This can make employees of all faiths and cultures feel accepted and encourage acceptance among team members.

2. Provide Meaningful Motivation And Rewards

Employees may be motivated by rewards and recognition. Being honored as the employee of the month or with a sales or service award can boost morale and confidence. Other employees may also be inspired to work harder to achieve this kind of recognition in the workplace. Recognition doesn’t have to involve an official award, though. Managers and employers can give staff gift cards or bonuses when they see them excelling in their duties. Bring in a massage therapist to help your team relax. Network with other businesses to get your staff team discounts on recreational activities and practical expenses.

Scheduled awards will mean little to employees if their work goes unnoticed for the rest of the month. Employers and managers should take time to notice their staff team when they are doing a good job and compliment them for it. Offering praise will inspire staff to continue excelling in their duties. Other meaningful gestures can include taking staff out to lunch, acknowledging their birthday or other personal landmarks and investing in their professional development.

3. Avoid Common Demotivators

Some actions can have a negative effect on employees and cause morale problems. One example is public criticism. Rebuking staff in front of other employees or clients can have a negative impact. The staff who is criticized will feel belittled. It may undermine their ability to serve clients. Other staff who hear public lectures may develop a concern that they will be publicly chastised and employees may begin to dread seeing managers who engage in this conduct. Managers who threaten staff will also create a hostile working environment.

It’s also demoralizing if the staff is given unrealistic expectations. Staff who are not given enough time to complete an assigned task will feel like they have been set up to fail. People who are already convinced that they cannot succeed will not be motivated to try. Staff will also be discouraged from offering suggestions if their input is always dismissed or ignored. Failure to communicate is also a serious issue that can lead to frustration. When staff is unaware of pertinent information it can lead to unnecessary mistakes and delays.

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